If Lockwood & Co. season 2 followed the original book series, what's behind Lockwood's secret door would set up a tragedy for the character.
The reveal of what is behind Anthony Lockwood's door could have set up a season 2 Lockwood & Co. tragedy for the character. Lockwood & Co. ends on a cliffhanger, with Anthony Lockwood about to show Lucy Carlyle and George Karim what is behind the second landing door that he doesn't let anyone open. The moment marks a culmination of Lockwood's character growth as he has finally decided to open up about his past.
Lockwood & Co. is based on the book series of the same name by Jonathan Stroud. There are key differences between the Lockwood & Co. books and show, but season 1 is loosely based on The Screaming Staircase and The Whispering Skull. The Whispering Skull ends with Lockwood deciding to show Lucy and George the contents of his secret room, and the reveal is laid out in book 3, The Hollow Boy. Whether the reveal would have been the same in the Netflix series, Lockwood's was sure to have tragic repercussions for Lockwood & Co. season 2.
In the books, the room beyond the door belonged to Lockwood's late sister, Jessica. If Lockwood & Co. season 2 had kept with this storyline, it would have been able to explore Lockwood's tragic backstory and guilt about Jessica's death. Jessica died soon after their parents when going through their things in the novels, something Lockwood refused to help with. She found a relic that released a ghost, which killed her, leaving Lockwood the last member of his family left alive.
Lockwood & Co. season 2 could have also explained what exactly happened to Lockwood's parents. It's likely their deaths were also ghost-related. The deaths of his entire family at the hands of ghosts would fuel Lockwood's current career path as a ghost hunter as well as his self-sacrificing nature.
Lockwood & Co. season 2 would have been able to show more obviously how Jessica's death had affected Lockwood and his relationships with Lucy and George. He's already shown that he's willing to die to save them, from begging Winkman to kill him instead of Lucy to getting shot by the Golden Blade while protecting both friends. Following the reveal of his lost sister, they would have known that his sacrifices stem from feeling like he's responsible for Jessica's death.
Though Lockwood resolved some of his trust issues at the end of Lockwood & Co. season 1—enough so to show Lucy and George the secret room—Lockwood & Co. season 2 could have explored what issues remained instead of treating them as completely resolved. He would have to learn to not only trust Lucy and George with his secrets but trust them to take care of themselves. His character arc would also undoubtedly tackle his death wish, which Lucy says seems to be less prevalent at the end of season 1, but would probably have shown back up again throughout Lockwood & Co. as he continued to tackle his guilt.
Unfortunately for Lockwood & Co. season 2 storylines that could have been, the Netflix series was canceled instead of renewed for a second season. That means the audience will never actually get to see what was behind the door, though season 1 did offer hints. When Lockwood sees the death glow of Jack Carver in the corridor, he looks to the locked door, though audience members might not have caught that if they didn’t already know the story of the room from the novels.
In the second book in the Lockwood & Co. series, just what’s behind the door is fully revealed. Not only did the room belong to his late sister, but it was also the room where she died. Jessica was attacked by a ghost while in the room, and Lockwood was too young and inexperienced to save her. Instead, the room is kept locked up with her death glow still inside, filled with things like lavender to help minimize it.
In addition to Jessica’s tragedy, the room was also full of other family mementos. Just opening the door and allowing a camera to pan over its contents would have given the audience plenty of hints about Lockwood’s family history. Now, the audience won’t get that full story unless they read the Lockwood & Co. novels, but there’s no way of knowing just how the Netflix series would have adapted the story for season 2.
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