The options for distance learning are accessible to students locally, nationally and internationally. Dallas Colleges Online, the distance learning service center of the colleges of DCCCD, gives students the ability to access college courses without having to come to the campus. An array of services provided by Dallas Colleges Online continuously increases access to college programs and courses offered through distance learning and delivers instruction that can be offered at a true-distance anywhere, anyplace.
Students may apply for the following degrees through distance education. For more information, visit the Dallas Colleges online Web site at
Dallas Colleges Online Admissions is located at the R. Jan LeCroy Center for Educational Telecommunications and is a collaborative effort of the seven colleges of DCCCD. Dallas Colleges Online admissions policies are the same policies enforced by the colleges of the DCCCD.
You may apply online for admissions to the colleges of DCCCD, or for more information about Dallas Colleges Online Admissions, contact the office directly at:
Dallas Colleges Online Admissions
9596 Walnut St.
Dallas, TX 75243-2112
Web site:
Phone: 972-669-6400
If outside of Dallas: 1-888-468-4268
Dallas Colleges Online makes academic advising accessible and convenient to students needing the flexibility of campus-free education and services on behalf of the colleges of the DCCCD. Distance learners in need of assistance with a variety of advising issues including degree planning, schedule building, determining
TSI standards and course prerequisites may contact a Dallas Colleges Online academic advisor.
Dallas Colleges Online Academic Advising is available online, by phone at 972-669-6400, or if outside Dallas, toll-free at 1-888-468-4268.
Dallas Colleges Online Advising
9596 Walnut St.
Dallas, TX 75243-2112
Web site:
Phone: 972-669-6400
If out of Dallas, toll-free: 1-888-468-4268
Course Formats and On Campus Requirements
Distance learning courses are offered in a number of formats. Each format may utilize a variety of learning technologies, such as video and CD-ROM, which are designed to enhance the learning experience. Course formats are either offered completely at a distance or require students to come to the college.
Distance Learning Information
- Online - All content delivered through computers and multimedia. These courses use eCampus and may include CD's and audio/streaming. No on-campus testing or activities are required; however, off-campus proctored exams may be required.
- Online Partial - Most of the content delivered through computers and multimedia. These courses use eCampus and may include CD's and audio/streaming. On-campus testing, orientation, and/or other activities may be required.
- Online/Classroom - Content delivered through an even distribution of 50% - 50% of online and classroom activities. These courses use components of computer instruction, multimedia activities, and classroom time. On-campus classroom time may be required.
- Online/Campus - Content delivered with 51% or higher of on-campus activities. These courses use components of computer instruction, multimedia activities, and classroom time. On-campus classroom time may be required.
- Video-Based - Content delivered through a local cable channel, CD, DVD, MP4 system, VHS cassette. On-campus testing or activities may be required. Content is not delivered through computer internet activities, but instructor may provide some communications, syllabus, orientation, and test review by email.
Distance Learning Formats
Course formats may include one or more of the following learning technologies:
- Internet
Courses utilizing the Internet require students have Internet access and the latest version of a browser (Internet Explore, Firefox, or Chrome). - Video Series
Several course formats such as telecourses utilize pre-produced video series which can be viewed in the following ways: - Local Cable TV - Videos can be viewed through many local cable channels at scheduled times.
- Videotapes - Videotapes may be leased from our online bookstore and viewed on a video cassette player or viewed in the college Library Media Center.
- Video Streaming - Video streaming allows you to view video lesson programs from your home or office computer. This service requires broadband connectivity such as DSL, cable modems, or wireless connections and payment of a fee.
- CD-ROM/DVD - in some cases videos may be available on CD-ROM and/or DVD.
For more information about Dallas Colleges Online Administration and Student Services visit our Web site at
Financial Aid
Financial aid is available through the colleges of DCCCD, that also includes courses offered through Dallas Colleges Online. All DCCCD and federal financial aid policies and requirements apply to students who take online courses.
For more information, visit the Dallas Colleges Online Web site at The site includes links to financial aid information, links to the online Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA) and other Web-based resources. To complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, visit
Learning Resources
Dallas Colleges Online makes available and maintains various learning resources. The Dallas Colleges Online library is made possible through a partnership with Richland College. The online library makes available the latest in web-based library and reference tools including online databases, the colleges' library catalog, online research assistance, an online "Ask a Librarian" feature, bibliographies, quotations and more. The Dallas TeleCollege library may be accessed through the Dallas Collegs Online Web site at
For more information about these and other learning resources available see the Dallas Colleges Online Web site at
Dallas Colleges Online registration is housed at the R. Jan LeCroy Center for Educational Telecommunications. All DCCCD policies and college requirements apply to Dallas Colleges Online registration. Online courses are offered during the regular semesters (fall, spring and summer) and follow the Academic Calendar approved by the governing board of DCCCD. Online courses are also offered during flex terms.
A schedule of online courses is available on the Dallas Colleges Online Web site In the class schedule, online courses are listed as 9000-level courses.
For more information about Dallas Colleges Online registration, contact the office directly at:
Dallas Colleges Online Registration
9596 Walnut St.
Dallas, TX 75243-2112
Web site:
Phone: 972-669-6400
If outside of Dallas, toll-free: 1-888-468-4268