Here's the Neighborhood Where Amazon Is Building a New Bellevue Campus

  • In April, Amazon purchased property at 600 108th Ave. N.E. in Bellevue, Washington, where Amazon will build its tallest tower.
  • This tower, which will be completed by 2024, will be 43 stories high and will be able to hold an estimated 4,200 employees.
  • Amazon has been leasing more property in Bellevue, a suburb of Seattle where Amazon plans to move its entire worldwide operations organization.
  • Business Insider walked around the surrounding neighborhood to see what it looks like.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

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Amazon was originally founded by CEO Jeff Bezos in Bellevue, Washington, a suburb of Seattle.

But soon, Bezos moved its headquarters to Seattle to provide an urban environment for its young tech workers. Now, Amazon is inching its way back to its original home city. Amazon is already planning to move its entire worldwide operations organization, which is responsible for most customer orders, to Bellevue, GeekWire reported.

Right now in Bellevue, Washington, Amazon has four buildings leased, and in April, it just bought another piece of property for $194.9 million. This property is at 600 108th Ave. N.E. 

Right now, there's a 10-story corporate building there called Bellevue Corporate Plaza, and it will stay in tact. Behind it, Amazon plans to build its tallest tower, the Seattle Times reported. This tower will be 43 stories high, and the Seattle Times estimates it can hold 4,200 employees. 


Amazon's existing offices in Bellevue total about 1.8 million square feet. By the time Amazon completes its tower in 2024, the Seattle Times estimates that Bellevue will be able to have 11,000 employees.

Amazon declined to comment on its plans for the building.
