WWE TLC Results: Roman Reigns vs Sheamus

Reigns with a uppercut to Sheamus. Sheamus with right hands to Reigns. Sheamus with a shoulder to the midsection of Reigns. Reigns with ten clothesline in the corner to Sheamus. Reigns with a takedown to Sheamus and connects with a couple of jabs. Sheamus grabs a ladder and tosses it to Reigns. Reigns sends Sheamus to the time keeper’s area. Sheamus with a forearm to Reigns. Reigns with a clothesline to Sheamus. Reigns clears off the announce table. Reigns place a ladder in between the ring apron and announce table. Sheamus throws a chair in the back of Reigns. Sheamus with a tilt-a-whirl slam to Reigns. Sheamus place a table on the ropes. Reigns with a uppercut to Sheamus. Reigns and Sheamus fall to the outside as Reigns gives Sheamus a clothesline. Reigns launches Sheamus over a table that had three chairs on it. Reigns launches Sheamus to another collection of tables that have chairs on it.Reigns goes for a Powerbomb, but Sheamus counters with a back bodydrop that sends Reigns through a table. Sheamus with a slam to Reigns through another table on the ramp. Sheamus brings a ladder into the ring. Reigns knocks Sheamus off the ladder. Sheamus sends Reigns to the outside. Sheamus throws a ladder at Reigns. Sheamus bounces Reigns head off the steel ring steps. Sheamus goes to whack Reigns in the head with the steel chair, but Reigns out of the way. Reigns sends Sheamus back first to the steel ring steps. Reigns bounces Sheamus head off the ring apron. Reigns goes for the Ring Apron Drive By, but Sheamus counters with a clothesline. Sheamus with multiple chair shots to the back of Reigns. Sheamus with the White Noise to Regins through a table. Reigns gets back and Sheamus shows extreme amount of frustration.

Sheamus slaps Reigns. Sheamus goes for the White Noise, but Reigns counters with a sitout powerbomb that sends Sheamus onto a ladder. Reigns with a flying clothesline to Sheamus. Reigns with a SuperMan Punch to Sheamus with the chair. Sheamus with the Irish Curse backbreaker. Sheamus with the Ten Beats to the chest of Reigns. Reigns with a Samoan Drop to Sheamus and both go through a ladder that was place in between the ring apron and announce table. Reigns climbs up the ladder and Sheamus knocks Reigns off the ladder. Reigns with a SuperMan Punch to Sheamus. Reigns climbs up the ladder and Sheamus gets back up and tosses Reigns off the ladder. Reigns and Sheamus battle on top of the ladder. Reigns with a SuperMan Punch that sends Sheamus off a ladder through a table. Reigns climbs up and The League of Nations show up. Del Rio with a superkick to Reigns. Rusev with The Accolade to Reigns. Reigns with a SuperMan Punch to Rusev and Del Rio. Sheamus climbs up the ladder, Reigns brings him down. Sheamus connects with the Brouge Kick and Reigns rolls to the outside. Reigns rolls back into the ring, but it was too late as Sheamus grabs the title and picks up the victory.

After the match Rusev and Del Rio put Sheamus over their shoulder. Reigns comes back into the ring and spears all three men. Reigns attacks all three men with steel chairs. Triple H and Stephanie McMahon come out with referee’s to distract Reigns. The referee’s roll Sheamus out of the ring. Triple H comes into the ring. Reigns with a SuperMan Punch to Triple H. Reigns attacks Triple H with a steel chair. Reigns clears the Spanish Announce Table. Reigns with a uppercut to Triple H. Reigns powerbombs Triple H on the announce table. Reigns puts Triple H through a table a flying elbow. Reigns walks up the ramp, but runs back down to the ring and connects with a massive spear to HHH.
